银河娱乐网页版官方入口 亚洲城ca88会员中心使用教程创立于2006年,历经7年发展,以卓越的研发、生产能力,杰出的经营管理水平得到社会各界的充分肯定。
历年来荣获的省市级以上荣誉称号和资质证书达数十种之多 。现已成为医药原料药含医药中间体生产为主,集科研、生产、贸易于一体的现代化医药企业,它坐落于产业开发园内成都温江海峡两岸科技产业开发园,公司占地面积40亩。企业 下设独立的新产品研发、生产、中试及营销中心。
银河娱乐网页版官方入口 亚洲城ca88会员中心使用教程曾与国内多家知名药企进行新药项目合作,并建立了良好的合作关系。目前公司已聚集了一批以留美博士、资深药物专家、教授领军的新药研究人才,形成了较强的新药技术研发能力,公司与中国科学院成都分院、国家药品监督管理局四川抗菌素工业研究所、成都中医药大学、四川大学 (华西医科大学)等高等学府及科研机构建立了专家咨询制度及良好的长期合作关系。
新恒创自成立以来,陆续开发了一系列高附加值的优质品种。公司主要经营产品:甲磺酸多拉司琼、罗库溴铵、盐酸帕洛诺司琼、琥珀酸索非那新、琥珀酸普芦卡必利、盐酸替罗非班、盐酸普拉克索、格隆溴铵、利奈唑胺、盐酸法舒地尔、氢溴酸达非那新、盐酸莫西沙星、甲磺酸吉米沙星、佐芬普利钙、酒石酸阿福莫特罗、盐酸阿扎司琼、伏立康唑、吉非替尼、盐酸埃罗替尼、枸橼酸托法替尼、阿哌沙班、帕瑞昔布钠、埃索美拉唑钠、右旋兰索拉唑、右**、阿戈美拉汀、米力农等医药原料及其医药中间体, 市场前景非常广阔。
银河娱乐网页版官方入口 亚洲城ca88会员中心使用教程不断进取,在化学合成药物以及中间体的研发生产上形成自有体系,并不断推出优势品种,公司将秉承“诚信待人,创新无限”的企业原则,发扬“天道酬勤、人道酬诚、业道酬精”的企业**,始终以“创建的国际性制药企业,造福人类”为企业目标, 以新技术、新产品的不断更新来适应和满足 国内外市场的各种变化及需求,创建的国际性制药企业。
Chengdu Sino-Strong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was establised in 2006 which specialized in the new drugs research, the manufacture of new APIs, and pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates. It is located in national industrial park named Chengdu wenjiang cross-straits technological industrial park with an area of 27.Ourcompany is well-known for the outstanding research, production capability and also good management .
Sino-strong consists of R&D Center, Production Center, Testing Center and Marketing Center. Our company has the advanced technology in the multi-step synthesis and the new route development of self-intellectual property rights .
Our company have cooperated with national famous pharmaceutical for new drugs projects and kept good business relationship with them . There are doctors , senior medical experts and professors of organic chemistry which form a strong research team and conduct powerful technological research capability . Our company also set up experts consulting systems and established long-terms business relationship with the universities and S & R institutes as following , Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu Branch, SFDA Industrial Institute of Antibiotics in Sichuan, Chengdu University of Chinese medicine, Sichuan University( Huaxi Medical University ) ...
Since establishment , it has developed series of high value superior products . The main range is as following : Rocuronium Bromide, Palonosetron Hydrochloride, Solifenacin Succinate, Prucalopride Succinate, Tirofiban Hydrochloride, Pramipexole Dihydrochloride, Glycopyrronium Bromide, Linezolid,Dolasetron Mesylate, Fasudil Hydrochloride, Darifenacin Hydrobromide, Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride, Gemifioxacin Mesylate, Zofenopril Calcium,Arformoterol Tartrate, Azasetron Hydrochloride, Voriconazole, Gefitinib, Erlotinib Hydrochloride, Tofacitinib citrate... Such APIs and the intermediates which are very popular among domestic market and also abroad .
Sino-strong is progressive in the multi-step synthesis and new intermediates development, which can launch new superior products continuously .
Our consistent idea is pursuit of quality and excelsior, we are looking forward to creating a bright future with you .