洁净室 CLEAN ROOM SYSTEM 惠美(中国)有限公司是专业的制药设备(实验室)采购和工程总承包商,全套专业的项目团队和十几年的项目成功经验,联合瑞士技术,中国生产的优点,提供高质量的设备,合理的价格和专业的服务,竭诚与制药行业各厂家共同合作拓展国际市场! HM PHARMACHINE Group is the professional pharmaceutical (laboratory) engineering and machine (ins
Shanghai Marya is a leading EPC supplier for cleanroom system, which including cleanroom design, R&D, material and equipment manufacturing, shipment, installation, validation and after-sales services for pharmaceutical, aerospace, electronics, fo
万事达洁净喷涂钢制门采用优质镀锌钢板整体折弯、连体焊接制作,表面静电树脂粉末喷涂,洁净门整体表面平整光滑,不积尘,易清洁;颜色多样,可进行定制。适用于洁净车间,医院,药厂,食品厂等有洁净要求的场合。与洁净墙板齐平安装,美观大方。 Wiskind steel cleanroom door is made of high-quality galvanized steel plate, which is made by overall bending and one-piece welding. The su