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银河娱乐网站网址大全注册开户 RNAi疗法即将上市,Sanofi和Alnylam交易重组

热门推荐: RNAi疗法 Sanof Alnylam
作者:药渡头条 来源:转载




       ②2013年Alnylam公布了Patisiran II期试验的阳性数据获得赛诺菲7百万美金付款。










       ②Sanofi Genzyme获得ALN-TTRsc02全球净销售额15-30%分阶段费用。


       ④随着时间推移Sanofi Genzyme将获得Patisiran销售额的25%的特许权使用费,不包括美国、加拿大、西欧。




       Al-ny-lam在这一领域已经获得巨大的成功,成为了Ionis有力的商业竞争对手,而此次交易也充分凸显了首席执行官John Maraganore对公司产品的信心,其表示Al-ny-lam给全球ATTR淀粉样变性和血友病患者带来先进的治疗方法,此次交易重组给这些先进的疗法提供了发展保障,从操作层面提供了商业化发展的策略,将有利于公司研发更多优秀的产品,为罕见遗传性疾病等的研究做贡献。

       Alnylam成立于2002年,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市。目前主要致力于遗传疾病治疗、心血管代谢疾病以及肝炎治疗三个方向的药物研发。RNAi药物一直存在药物输送问题,Alnylam基于雄厚的科研背景,与其他公司合作,通过不断的探索终于找到合适的解决方案。其GalNAc (N-乙酰半乳糖)-siRNA技术在很大程度上克服了RNAi药物输送困难的难题。目前其生产管线如下图:



       附John Maraganore原文:

       “For Alnylam, this provides strategic clarity and operational alignment with regard to the development and commercialization of patisiran and ALN-TTRsc02. This will allow us to develop both products in a comprehensive manner, potentially addressing the full spectrum of transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis disease treatment and prevention. At the same time, we will continue to support and benefit – via royalties – from the fitusiran opportunity through Sanofi’s significant development and commercial leadership.”


       Patisiran and ALN-TTRsc02

       Alnylam will fund all development and commercialization costs for patisiran and ALN-TTRsc02 going forward. There will be no additional milestones due to either company with respect to patisiran or ALN-TTRsc02. Sanofi intends to substantially complete the transition of its patisiran activities in regions outside the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, consistent with the original scope of its license rights to patisiran, by mid-2018.


       The restructuring will enable Sanofi to assume full responsibility for development and commercialization of fitusiran, including costs. However, during the anticipated transition period Alnylam will fund such costs. Alnylam intends to substantially complete the transition of fitusiran to Sanofi by mid-2018. Sanofi will pay Alnylam a milestone of $50 million following dosing of the first patient in the ATLAS Phase 3 program for fitusiran.

       Product Royalties

       Alnylam and Sanofi Genzyme will be eligible to receive tiered royalties of 15 to 30 percent on global net sales of fitusiran and ALN-TTRsc02, respectively, upon approval and commercialization. Previously, these programs were subject to co-development and co-commercialization terms in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. For patisiran, Sanofi Genzyme will be eligible to receive royalties, increasing over time to up to 25 percent, on sales in territories excluding the United States, Canada, and Western Europe. Sanofi continues to have the right to opt into other Alnylam rare genetic disease programs for development and commercialization in territories outside of the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, as well as one right to a global license.


       Alnylam kicks off #JPM18 with a restructured Sanofi deal, grabbing global rights to patisiran

       Alnylam 官网


   肖女士    021-33392297    Kelly.Xiao@imsinoexpo.com

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