CPHI制药在线 供应商大全


银河娱乐网页版,座落在南京市区夫子庙商业圈、闻名中外的古秦淮河畔,该公司是江苏省南京市出口流通重要企业,05年出口额逾8000万美金,在南京市属出口创汇企业中排名第三。公司已通过ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证。 为适应市场竞争需要,公司于2000年注资成立下属家纺实体工厂,经过近5年的时间工厂已在一些专业床品生产方面初具规模。工厂位于全国家纺生产企业基地―南通市家纺工业园,工厂现有员工450余人,各类专业技术人员40余人,全厂占地面积15000平方米,建筑面积9500平方米;企业现有固定资产1100万元。现有设备工业逢纫机150台,拷边机15台,电子检针机2台,电脑绣花机30台,绗绣一体机3台,多针绗缝机3台,单针绗缝机5台,年生产能力为各类床品件套35万套,各种机绗绣被及靠垫8万条(只)。有纯棉、涤棉、拉绒、绗缝、装饰配套等多条专业床品生产线。 现公司主要产品为各种规格中西式印花、素色、绣花类床单、被套、床罩、各种套件及室内装饰配套产品、机织棉毯、绗缝系列产品等。产品远销欧、美、加、日本、东南亚、澳大利亚、新西兰等众多国家和地区市场,深受各种层次消费者的青睐。工厂现有专业花型设计人员10余名,每年独立开发设计逾200个印花及绣花花型,并有较强的能力按客人来样进行订单生产。工厂的产品和售后服务得到了广大顾客的一致赞誉。
别嘌醇 Allopurinol
维生素B1硝酸盐 VB1 MONO
维生素B1盐酸盐 Vitamin B1 Hcl
维生素B1盐酸盐,Thiamine hydrochloride,分子量337.28,CAS号:67-03-8,白色针状结晶或结晶性粉末,有微弱米糠似的特异臭,味苦。应密封阴凉避光保存。
L2000 Cold light Series Operation Lamp
Main technical parameters: Illuminance of main lamp 80000~60000Lx(Stepless light adjustments) Color temperature 4300±200K Color rendering index Ra≥90 Mains voltage ~220V±22V,50Hz±1Hz, ~110±11V,60Hz±1Hz Rated voltage 24V Rated power of bulb 50W The lowest
Integral Reflection Shadowless Operation Lamp
Main technical parameters: Type L7 L5 Illumination intensity(max.) 145,000lux 105,000lux Adjustment range of illumination intensity 100%-50% 100%-50% Power of bulb 150W 120W Service life of bulb ≥1000h ≥800h Depth of focus 110cm 110cm Diameter of luminous
JF-10 portable diagnoses x beam machine
Features: The unit is shock-proof, ray-proof, single-focus and self-rectified X-ray unit. It applies to medical fluoroscopy and radiogrphy on mouth, carity bone, heart, skull as well ascontraceptivering. Specifications: Maximum rating: For fluoroscopy:
dental x-ray unit
Details:Dental X-ray Unit Model: JYF-10D Feature: 1. The microprocessor-controlled timer brings high-tech X-rau imaging at your fingertips. 2. The control panel allows an accurate and fast exposure time selection while protecting the head during X-ray e
6/7/12 channel printout format Simultaneous 12 lead acquisition Isolated input circuit with protection against defibrillation and pace making Automatic measurement and interpretation of standard ECG parameter Memory of 16 exams for recall and duplication
3/4/6 channel printout format Simultaneous 12 lead acquisition Isolated input circuit with protection against defibrillation and pace making Automatic measurement and interpretation of standard ECG parameter Memory of 16 exams for recall and duplication 5
l High resolution thermal array printerl Isolated input circuit with protection against defibrillation and pace makingl 192x64 graphic LCD to display setting menu and operating conditions in 4 line, and ECG waveforml 2 chan
Thermal stylus recorder, Safety level: Class I, Type B, Automatic/Manual operation, Dual power, AC and NI-MH battery supporting 1 hour operationAC, EMG filter
Air-compressing nebulizer
Maximum nebulization rate ≥0.20mL/min Sound level:≤65dB(A)
Aluminum cylinder kit
please call me , to know more
please call me , to know more
Whiteblack Ultrasound Diagnostic Devices
Scanning mode: Electronic Linear, Convex Display mode: B, B/B, B/M, M Working frequency: 2.0-7.5MHz Measurements: distance, circumference, area, volume, pregnancy period etc Body mark: many kinds body mark with probe position Character presentation: date,
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